- One of our expertise is coaching, personal development and empowerment
- This knowledge and experience gained through a long career managing a large numbers of employees and develop their career and lead them to success such as working in top level managerial positions in international chains.
- This experience lead us to open unique tourism company that specializes in taking group of woman to drive 4x4 off roads in the jungles of Central and South America. This lead woman to develop their strengths and their leadership ability .
- Getting divorce is not easy, even when you done, still most people struggle to open new chapters in their life. Some because of open a wound in their hearts, other because of revenge, others because of jealousy, and others simply can not adapt to the new changes in their life. We will teach you and guide you to open a new chapter in your life, put everything behind and walk to your dreams. It is possible, all you need is the willingness to do so, we will teach you to SEE THINGS THAT DONT EXIST !!!
- We will do it through these 4 steps ;
- Disgust,Decision,Desire,Resolve.
Let me just quickly give you a list of 4 emotions that can change your life in 1 day, and that is what we going to work on in our meetings. Emotions are powerful, sometimes it doesn't take much to alter your whole life direction. Okay, here they are:
1. DISGUST, a powerful emotion, disgust says I've had it. The day that you say you had it, you had it with something small or something major, the day you can say you had it, may not be the day it ends but the day it begins. That's what I said when that little girl scout left my door when I'm 25, I give her the big lie she leaves and I say I don't want to live like this anymore. I've had it with lying and being broke. powerful day, the mans finally had it with mediocrity. He's had it with being a loser. He's finally had it with those awful sick feelings inside, knowing his wife is at the grocery store looking at 2 can of beans, one marked 99 cents one marked 97 cents, he knows his wife is going to buy the 97 cent can, and she doesn't even like the brand! Do you know why she is going to buy the 97 cent can? To save 2 cents! The guy finally says I've had it! being on my knees on the dust looking for pennies. We are not living like this anymore. Could be the day that turned your life around, the day you can say I've had it.
2. DECISION making is powerful and it is emotional, that's those knots in the pits of your stomach, right? waking up in the middle of the night sweating, and trying to decide, we sometimes call it inner civil war. What should I do? well for progress you must decide. The best advice I can give you came from a wealthy friend of mine who said, "if its easy do it easy, if its hard do it hard, just get it done". If you went home tonight and in the next few days, cleaned up a whole list of decisions, that is enough inspiration for the next 10 years! I found this app many time after I've decided getting on with the is easier than deciding, sometime decision is the hardest part.
3. DESIRE, wanting something bad enough, there's 2 things I know about desire, one it comes from the inside not the outside. Number 2 I know desire can be triggered by something, who knows what it can be. Sometime desire waits and sleeps for something to happen, maybe it's a book, or maybe its a song, or maybe its a sermon, or its a lecture, or its a conversation. who knows? the best advice I can give you is what I give my staff, "welcome every human experience". You never know which one is going to turn it all on, even the bad experiences. Sometimes even from the bitterest experiences come the greatest awakenings. So let down the barriers, kick down the walls, the same walls that kick out disappointment and kicks out happiness. Let life touch you.
4. RESOLVE says'' I will''. two of the most powerful words in the language, '' I WILL''. Benjamin Israeli once said nothing can resist the human will, that will stake even its existence on the earth. I'll do it or die, see that's powerful, that can change your life around, the world has a strange way of stepping aside when someone says I'll do it or die. A man says I will climb the mountain, they told me its to high too rocky too difficult, its never been done before, but its my mountain and I will climb it, pretty soon you will see me waving from the top or dead on the side because I ain't coming back. The best definition that I ever got on the word resolve was when I asked few kids and said who can tell me what resolves means? and I got several hands and they were all pretty good but the last one was the best, little girl said, I think it means promising yourself you will never give up. I said that's it!